A Sit Down With Jessy Jess

This week we're excited to feature Team ICON Member, Jessica Rose-Clark! Better known as "Jessy Jess" she is an Australian mixed martial artist who competes in the women’s Bantamweight division of the UFC. We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Jessy and ask a few questions!

How long have you been doing mixed martial arts (MMA)?

I’ve been training for 12 years and fighting for 10.

What made you want to do what you are doing? What’s your story?

I was dating a guy who took me to kickboxing one day, and just fell in love with it! I legitimately never looked back. It was the first thing in my life that I ever truly fell in love with.

What has been your favorite fight in UFC so far?

Probably my debut. I’ve had some good fights, but nothing will ever compare to the feeling I had, walking out for my first UFC fight, in Sydney australia in front of ALL of my family and friends.

Why ICON Meals? What makes us different?

I’ve actually been using ICON Meals for almost 3 years, in and out of camp. I love ICON Meals because they always have so much flavour. A lot of other pre made meal companies that I have sampled, were bland and tough when reheated. Not the case with this crew!

What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?

Wooooooo that’s a good question. There’s been so much! - you can help someone but you can’t control what they do with that help - gotta take one step at a time to climb Mt Everest - doing something 80% well is better than not doing it at all because you were worried you couldn’t do it perfect.

Who is your biggest inspiration? Why?

This is probably going to sound conceited, but honestly, I inspire myself. It’s been a long and arduous journey, not just through my career but through life. I don’t need to turn to what someone else has done, in order to inspire me to keep going.

How do you balance your UFC career and life demands?

Also a good question. I don’t believe in balance. My UFC career is my only priority. It is what allows me to keep a roof over my head and my dogs fed. Everything else comes secondary.  

What do you want your legacy to be? How do you want to be remembered?

Honestly, just as being a good person. In a world where there’s so much trauma and heartbreak, I just want to be kind to people and bring joy to my surroundings.

What is your current focus? Any plans for the future?

Fighting fighting fighting. We all want gold.

What are your favorite ICON Meals? Or favorite thing about ICON Meals?

Literally all of the pasta dishes. Especially the lasagne. My other fave is the keto meatloaf. It’s soooooo good!!!

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