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Jackson Michie | Big Brother Season 21 Winner | Everyday ICON

This week we're excited to feature the hit television show "Big Brother Season 21" winner, Jackson Michie! A native of Nashville, Tennessee, Jackson gives us insight on fitness, the day-to-day grind, and of course living and eating healthy! Here's why Jackson Michie is our Everyday ICON of the week... 

What do you do?

I just graduated from the University of Tennessee back in May of 2018 with a political science degree. The goal was originally to go to law school, however, some personal situations came up and I had to take a year off after undergraduate school. I decided to move to Los Angeles in February of 2019 simply to seek out a challenge and adventure, leave the south, and force myself to grow in an uncomfortable environment in which I had no job, apartment, or friends/family here.

Less than a week after moving to Los Angeles, I was on my phone seeking jobs on craigslist during lunch. I got on Instagram only to find an Advertisement on my explore page for a casting call for CBS’s Big Brother. It was only a short drive away from where I currently was and I had time to kill, so I went. I had always watched the show growing up, but never actually envisioned myself applying online or going to a casting call for it. I showed up as the last one in line and 3 months later, I was moving into the Big Brother house as one of the sixteen other houseguests for the 21st season.

What made you want to do what you are doing? 

Complacency and comfort—two things I felt while living in Nashville which not only would prevent me from growing as an individual internally, but in life as well. The south was all I had known and I needed to get out. I looked for a city that was the exact opposite of everything I knew in Nashville, picked LA, bought a one way ticket for February 1st with four suitcases and moved my things 1,800 miles west. I had no job lined up and no idea of what was to come, I just knew I needed to make a leap.

Why Icon Meals? What makes us different than other meal services?

I’ve heard of Icon Meals for years, originally from Mike O’Hearn. A quality meal prep company is something that (especially in a city like Los Angeles) can save so much time, money, and effort. For me, convenience is the biggest benefit with quality coming in at a close second. Having a full week’s worth of meals cooked, portioned, packaged, and shipped to my front door every 7 days is unbeatable. Moreover, the flavor and quality of the food as well as the attention to detail involved in the entire process from start to finish is beyond impressive. I recently had the opportunity to visit their Headquarters in Dallas, TX and have never seen such diligent work ethics, determination to please every customer’s requests, and focus towards the operation of a profitable, top-tier company all happening seamlessly and simultaneously. It was a work of art. 

What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?




“Do the hard stuff first”-my father. For some reason, that saying has resonated with me my entire life. Whether I had days ahead of me in the library while in school, a laundry list of tasks I need to accomplish in a day, or a long workout in the gym, I always try and knock out the hardest things first and get them out of the way. It just seems to make things go that much smoother for the rest of the day, week, training session, etc.

You are a social media “influencer” how are you being “influential” in today’s society?

Technically, yes, and I hate that word. I personally think social media today has become such a negative ‘influence’ and I’m doing my best to go against the grain. I don’t post on a daily basis, I don’t advertise for random B.S. companies, I don’t do the typical “influencer” social media marketing and it’s intentional. For me, I’m doing my best to live life AWAY from my phone screen. Furthermore, I think social media influencers have lost authenticity. I only post for products or companies that I

  1. Used/considered using before the show.
  2. Would spend money on myself.
  3. Truly enjoy, believe in, and stand behind passionately.

Icon Meals fits the criteria for all of the above.

Who is your biggest inspiration? Why?

David Goggins, He was a regular at the restaurant I worked at for 4 years in Nashville, TN and one day I finally decided to read his book. I had followed him on social media for years, but never truly learned his story. His message is all about how you have to be uncomfortable to grow and that the body is capable of so much more than the mind allows it to achieve. Essentially, life and all of its challenges are mental. The mind is the biggest obstacle and once you’re able to recognize this, defeat it, and remove any and all limiting factors, then you find yourself capable of so much more than you ever realized.

After reading his book (which is something I encourage everyone to do) I realized that I was far too comfortable at home in Tennessee and, thus, would never grow to my full potential there. Comfort and complacency equates to stagnation and lack of movement—and you can’t grow that way. It wasn’t long after that I bought a one-way ticket to Los Angeles to ‘be uncomfortable’.

How do you balance work and life demands?

I do my best to try and focus on making time for what makes me happy, keeps me sane, and helps relieve stress. For me, the gym is my therapist and there is ALWAYS time for the gym. Whether it’s waking up 30-60 minutes early, staying up a little late or doing a quick run during lunch. There is always time to make room for a workout. The importance of that, however, isn’t to say that everyone needs to make time for the gym. The point is that everyone should make time for whatever their niche is. Whether it’s painting, hiking, meditation, singing, pottery, reading, writing, whatever it is that makes you happy—make time for it daily.

What do you want your legacy to be? How do you want to be remembered?

As someone who is dependable, loyal, and driven. I’m very competitive and love to win, but I know how to lose as well. ‘Drive’ and ‘desire to win’ are very different. Winning is fantastic, but sometimes the most valuable lessons are learned from a loss. That’s where drive comes from—the constant hunger to do better and push forward.

What is your current focus? Any plans for the future?

To transition out of this post-show chaos, enter the fitness and nutrition industry, and begin helping those who feel alone, lost, confused, or otherwise unclear of where to begin on their journey to a healthy and happy lifestyle incorporating fitness and proper nutritional education. My goal is to never let someone feel like they’re battling their demons alone. We’ve all been there, we’ve all felt stranded, and I never want someone—especially looking down a long, uphill trek to achieving health and wellness—to feel as if there is no one in their corner.

I want to achieve this not only through online coaching, but with my own supplement line. Throughout college I would formulate my own products of proteins, carbohydrate replacements, thermogenics, pre-workouts, BCAA’s, recovery formulas, etc. My goal is to establish my own formal line of products available to the masses with quality ingredients and an even higher standard of production.

What are your favorite Icon Meals? Or favorite thing about Icon Meals?

Personally, I like my food clean and simple. I go custom meals ALL THE WAY. 12 meals are 10oz chicken, 8oz broccoli, ½ cup white rice. My other 12 meals are 10oz steak, 8oz broccoli, ½ cup white rice. I’ll add carb sources around my training, but I’m currently in a cutting phase so my carbohydrate and fat macros are my main concerns.

Stay connected with Jackson Michie on IG at @jackson_michie

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