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4 Steps To Achieve Big Goals! By CEO, Todd Abrams

Before you get to work, let's get your mind right. If you're not mentally strong you'll never be able to achieve your potential. Everything GREAT that you've achieved in life so far began with a single thought, a realization. The following framework will bring you clarity, allowing you to do the work and build the life that you were destined to create!


Your Why

Before you consider what you're capable of achieving, take a moment and consider why you should. Write a list of the people, things, and experiences in your life that mean the most. Here's one of mine:

  • I love my family and will provide for them at any cost. In order to do so, I must take care of my mind, body, and spirit at the highest level.

If you were to achieve your highest calling, how would that impact the areas that you care most about? What kind of difference would you be able to make? 

If your visions are based purely on some short-term desire that's disconnected from the people, things, and experiences that you care about - you will fall short. Our selfish desires change on a week-to-week basis. The vision has to be connected to something much larger than ourselves.


Your Vision

What is a goal, and what is a vision? Why do you need both?

A goal and a vision are two different things. Imagine yourself happy and healthy with a 6-pack on the beach, enjoying life. That's a vision. Maybe not your vision... but what is your vision? Take a moment and put yourself there.


Your Goals

Now that you have a vision, what are your goals?

A goal is not "I want a six-pack". That's a vision. A goal should be a measurable amount of work over a certain period of time that's in-line with your vision. So, good news... you want to lose weight so that you can be healthy, live a long life, and set a good example for everyone around you? Your goal should include following a diet plan and being active, daily. Here's an example:

  • I will follow the Superset city workout plan (4 week program)

  • I will drink 1 gallon of water per day (for the next 30 days)

  • I will consume 150+ grams of protein per day, and remove all processed food and sugar from my diet (for 30 days)

Notice how each goal is an ACTION that is based on my VISION. Each day that you do the ACTION, you achieve your goal. Each day that you achieve your goal, you're closer to the vision.

It's a huge relief when you embrace this, because it's no longer a mystery. You don't have to think about it! Determine the vision, set up the goals, and do the work. Success is just around the corner.


Your Work

Now, you're ready to do the work. The plan is in place, but NOTHING will happen if you don't commit to the work. This is where routines come into play. Figure out how to fit your goals into your day with the least amount of friction possible. This is the main reason I get up and workout first thing every morning. My family is asleep, my phone is silent, and there's no distractions. 

With each passing day your confidence will build, and the work will become more and more enjoyable as the light of that vision becomes brighter and brighter. 

It's time, let's get to work.


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