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COVID: An influencer’s marketing dream? 

Don’t let anyone take advantage of you.

With everyone’s life turned upside down, vulnerability is at an all time high, and folks are desperate for normalcy and anything to make them feel and look their best. While the COVID pandemic is forcing reputable coaches, like myself, to cater more towards the clients mental well-being, in addition to physical hurdles, it’s bringing out some not-so-great advertisements. 

Sifting through social media, everybody is now an immune health expert, coaches are claiming you’ll lose muscle if you don’t purchase their booty band guide and other influencers are preaching these 3-day cleanses. 

Don’t fall for it. 

Followers do not equate to knowledge. 

A shredded physique does not equate to knowledge. 

Just like being wealthy doesn’t make you a financial advisor, butt shots won't make you authorized to coach. 

We at ICON Meals are here to spread truth, keep you informed and let you know we are right here beside you, fighting the fight and creating some sense of normalcy. 

As a coach myself,  I am continually focusing on long term health strategies, not quick fixes, fads or starvation. Now more than ever, we are focusing on mental health and wellness at a time of isolation and uncertainty. 

While we cannot hide from the news or headlines, make sure you are using trusted sources, not something passed down from social media. 

I love "Morning Brew." This is free, and sends all important headlines to your inbox every day (economy, health, foreign policy and sports) in a witty, digestible format for every palette. 

Get your health news from scholarly publications or those with credentials. I subscribe to MASS Research, which is a monthly online magazine filled with amazing stuff from dieting to training. Follow people who know their stuff, including members on the ICON Meals Team, like Lauren Conlin. 

Speaking of Conlin, she’s the owner of Team LoCoFit, bikini competitor and the co-host of Redefine Healthy Radio podcast. Conlin is always at the forefront of differentiating fact from fiction, and she can hunt out bullsh*t a mile away. 

In this podcast, we discuss how COVID is creating a marketing opportunity at a time when vulnerability is at an all time high. We also chat about the future of bodybuilding shows for the remainder of 2020.

Stay connected with blog/podcast author Taeler De Haes:

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