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How to Beat Unfortunate Circumstances! By CEO, Todd Abrams

We all go through life and make choices. But, sometimes you're put in a situation at no consequence of your own doing, like COVID19, or the weather we're currently dealing with all across the United States, or any other unfortunate circumstance that may land in your lap...
In times like these, you have to lean on your own routine.
Adopt the mentality of 'what can I do to come out of this situation BETTER'. This is actually the time to begin planting more seeds in all of the areas of life that mean the most to you. For me, those areas are:
  • Family

  • Friendship

  • Faith

  • Finance

  • Health

I spoke with someone over the weekend who was upset, he had bought an online course and wasn't finding the benefit. But, it had only been 3 days since he purchased the course.

I said, "dude it doesn't all happen at once." You've got to look at it this way: How are you putting once piece in front of the other to get the results that you want? It might be 8 weeks, 12 weeks, a year from now. That's okay, you have to put the pieces in place. Keep the vision, be a leader, and guide the ship through proper action.

Don't except excuses, get rid of the victim mindset. If you don't have the motivation yourself, find it through someone else.

I personally have a list of 3 things that I MUST get done in my business on a daily basis to move the needle forward.

I know that if I accomplish those 3 tasks I'm moving in the right direction. These aren't mundane "pay the bill" type of tasks, these are measurable milestones that I'm accomplishing  to ultimately fulfill a higher level target.

  1. Figure out what's important to you.
  2. Identify your targets.
  3. Do the hard stuff first, everyday.
THAT'S the recipe for internal happiness and external success, regardless of the situation.






Stay connected with our CEO, Todd Abrams.

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