I spoke with someone over the weekend who was upset, he had bought an online course and wasn't finding the benefit. But, it had only been 3 days since he purchased the course.
I said, "dude it doesn't all happen at once." You've got to look at it this way: How are you putting once piece in front of the other to get the results that you want? It might be 8 weeks, 12 weeks, a year from now. That's okay, you have to put the pieces in place. Keep the vision, be a leader, and guide the ship through proper action.
Don't except excuses, get rid of the victim mindset. If you don't have the motivation yourself, find it through someone else.
I personally have a list of 3 things that I MUST get done in my business on a daily basis to move the needle forward.
I know that if I accomplish those 3 tasks I'm moving in the right direction. These aren't mundane "pay the bill" type of tasks, these are measurable milestones that I'm accomplishing to ultimately fulfill a higher level target.
- Figure out what's important to you.
- Identify your targets.
- Do the hard stuff first, everyday.
Stay connected with our CEO, Todd Abrams.
- Instagram @toddabrams
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