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ICON Meals Blog

meal prep

Meal Timing by ICON Meals' Taeler De Haes

Meal Timing by ICON Meals' Taeler De Haes

When should I eat? 

Should I do intermittent fasting? 

What should I eat? 

Should I eat before I workout? 

In order to understand the timing of your food, you first want to understand how to build a meal.

ICON Meals Seared Salmon With Butter Herb Sauce!

ICON Meals Seared Salmon With Butter Herb Sauce!

Pan Seared Salmon with Butter Herb Sauce is one of the tastiest, easiest recipes you’ll ever try!  Tender salmon fillets are pan seared until perfectly golden brown then covered in a simple, vibrant and rich butter sauce. This will be your new favorite! Everything you need for...

The Choices We Make Are Vital

The Choices We Make Are Vital

You kill yourself training to get the results you want whether you're a professional athlete or a weekend warrior or just trying to live at a higher level. But are you doing what needs to be done outside of your workouts in order to keep performing at your best?

I'm talk...
Our FREE gift to you! 30 Day At-Home Workout

Our FREE gift to you! 30 Day At-Home Workout

"I'm using this quarantine as my own personal Bootcamp."

Every day I train myself mentally, physically, and spiritually. I may not understand exactly what’s going on in the world or why, but what I can see, and what my eyes & ears are very alert to, is the opportunity...