ICON Meals Blog

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Todd Talks: Don't Make a Resolution!

Todd Talks: Don't Make a Resolution!

I hear so many people talking over the past couple of weeks saying, "2020 wasn't their year because there's so many things going on. The world is so screwed up.” 

This is why this didn't get done...

3 Tips To Get Back On Track by April Imholte

3 Tips To Get Back On Track by April Imholte

I get comments all the time from people as to why they "just can't" focus on their nutrition right now. Usually it's because they don't have the time, or they will start when they start working out🙃, after xy or z trip, when my kids are older, etc etc etc.

I get it. Making changes...

Where Are You On The Journey?

Where Are You On The Journey?

Where are you in your journey?  It really doesn’t matter if you’re on day 1 or year 11. We can all learn something new and take to even greater heights.  I tend to start over every few months never reaching my peak. How do I change that? How do I stay focused long enou...