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ICON Meals Blog

Staying On Track During Vacation

Staying On Track During Vacation

So you’ve been killing your diet while at home. You’re hitting the gym, being consistent with sleep and overall making great progress. Things couldn’t be better, really! But then… you have to [ insert elaborate travel plans ] and you’re at a loss. Will all hell break loose at the airport? Will...

Staying True to Your New Year's Resolution: Mike O'Hearn

Staying True to Your New Year's Resolution: Mike O'Hearn

Have you already slipped?

Or are you staying true to your New Year's Resolution?

Because we're almost two weeks in and this is when the majority fall off their path

But If you slipped, understand that it’s okay...

The important part is for you to understand why you ...

Surviving The Holidays Without The Bulk

Surviving The Holidays Without The Bulk

Post by Brandan Fokken

Holiday eating is one of those things that if not monitored can and will get the best of you, and potentially send you into a tailspin of an unhealthy eating pattern that may last for the days and even weeks to come. Here are some tips to ...

Is a Vegan Lifestyle Right For Me?

Is a Vegan Lifestyle Right For Me?

From grocery stores to restaurants, you may have noticed “vegan” is a trendy phrase seemingly popping up everywhere recently.

According to the International Food and Restaurant consulting group Baum + Whiteman, Googl...

Recovery: An Essential Part of the Growth Equation

Recovery: An Essential Part of the Growth Equation

Story by Mike O’Hearn
Written by Asha Belisle, CSCS, BPE, CEP

People always talk about how hard they go in the gym. They push so hard and so fast and it’s so intense. Don’t get me wrong - I love the warrior mentality. That’s how I’ve lived for the past four decades....