ICON Meals Blog


3 Tips To Get Back On Track by April Imholte

3 Tips To Get Back On Track by April Imholte

I get comments all the time from people as to why they "just can't" focus on their nutrition right now. Usually it's because they don't have the time, or they will start when they start working out🙃, after xy or z trip, when my kids are older, etc etc etc.

I get it. Making changes...

6 Small Tweaks for Big Results!

6 Small Tweaks for Big Results!

ICON Meal Collaborators, Meal Prep On Fleek, show us that if we want to see our body change, we also have to change our mind and our actions.  We do this by making tiny adjustments in our daily routine and sticking to them with discipline and patience. 
Meal Timing by ICON Meals' Taeler De Haes

Meal Timing by ICON Meals' Taeler De Haes

When should I eat? 

Should I do intermittent fasting? 

What should I eat? 

Should I eat before I workout? 

In order to understand the timing of your food, you first want to understand how to build a meal.

Your Body is Your Bank Account by Ranya Gruber

Your Body is Your Bank Account by Ranya Gruber

We place so much emphasis on our finances & bank account to live a specific quality of life. We work hard to earn money and make solid deposits into our bank accounts. But what if we put just as much care and attention into what we fuel our bodies with TOO?
It’s All About Priorities by Diva Richards

It’s All About Priorities by Diva Richards

Everything seems like it’s getting in the way—life; family; business meetings; oh, and the now infamous Zoom calls. We know a strong mind equals a strong body, and how we fuel our bodies affects our performance in every aspect of our lives. Sound nutrition and a consiste...