ICON Meals Blog


ICONIC Interview With UFC Fighter Joanne 'JoJo' Woods

ICONIC Interview With UFC Fighter Joanne 'JoJo' Woods

Joanne ‘JoJo’ Calderwood, now known as Joanne Wood following her marriage to her husband John Wood. Joanne is a beloved Scottish fighter who is always up for a challenge. She is a professional mixed martial artist and former Muay Thai champion who competes...
What Human Pattern Is Holding You Back? By Ann Marie Lawrence

What Human Pattern Is Holding You Back? By Ann Marie Lawrence

People have so many patterns they follow which hold them back from succeeding! I am not here to call you out on your “bad” patterns, but I am here to help you identify them so we can acknowledge and move forward. 

Which of these patterns is holding you back?

  1. Putting other...