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BONUS: Here's our Butter Herb Chicken meal prep recipe for free.


  • • ICON Butter Herb Flavor Seasoning
  • • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • • Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
  • • White (or brown) Rice
  • • Fresh Broccoli Florets
  • • Water (for boiling)
  • Directions


  1. • Butterfly chicken breast (allowing a more even cook)
  2. • Lightly coat chicken breast with extra virgin olive oil
  3. • Liberally apply ICON Butter Herb Flavor Seasoning to both sides
  4. • Preheat oven to 375°F
  5. • Place skillet on high heat
  6. • Sear chicken on both sides (about 1min each side)
  7. • Transfer chicken to baking sheet, place in oven to finish cooking.
  8. • Once chicken reaches 160°F, remove from oven.
  10. Brown rice
  12. For brown/white rice, follow instructions on the package.
  2. Broccoli
  4. • Bring lightly salted water to boil
  1. • Add broccoli to boiling water
  2. • Cover pot
  3. • Remove from heat once broccoli is still slightly firm, but cooked through (This way it’s perfectly cooked once you reheat the broccoli.)